Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Toys "R" Us!

Pictures from my latest outing at a local Toys "R" Us!

... And that's it. It was a really casual, low key event. It happens.

Monday, October 17, 2011

SWTOR Community Event Photos

My left shoulder bell kinda failed that day, it was really hot in the venue and the sticky velcro patch didn't hold  as well as I expected :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Scout life is now complete...

 "Science vs. Fiction", a benefit event for the French Handicaps Association. Puteaux, France.

First experience as a costumed field reporter

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Boots! They are done....

I had TB 4505 make new boots for me because it was time I had something that looked good AND was durable. Since I didn't have the materials do achieve that I thought I'd just hire someone with the knowledge and the elbow grease to help me out.

New ones on the right

I had to do some work on the holster, trim off the top and bottom and secure a strap inside the boot to help carry the weight of the blaster.

It's essentially an elastic strap with velcro, attached to the ABS strip with rivets+washers and a piece of the same ABS to keep it all steady. This was done before mounting the holster on the boot.

I'm now ready to troop again!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer update and general blogging

July is nearly over and August will be event-less for me as far as trooping goes, but plans are to be made!

First off, here's the big one:

I want it, I need it. As a SW fan it is vital that I attend this event in the controversially significant year of 2012. No I'm not superstitious... just want to be prepared is all! Hotel is booked, money is being put aside, excitement is contained but barely.

Second, the new costume project:

The Stormtrooper AP armor kit! No, I don't have it yet but it is reserved. Knowing that I started as a Scout and became really proud of it, the Stormtrooper was my first love so there's no way I'm passing on this costume.

The TK boots are ordered and under way for delivery. The undersuit and neckseal are being researched. And for the E-11 blaster I asked help from my garrison. You can tell that I'm taking it slow, this time... not ;P Full speed is my only speed.

On other news I'm considering new boots for my TB as they are in quite a bad shape after going full action at Comic Con (Paris).

More shopping and fixing are to be done... Honestly this is much more hassle than I'd expected. Should've bought them from an expert boot craftsman from BS.N. Learn from this, boys and girls!

Problems with my boots: the vinyl material not suited for repeated plying and bending, also tends to thicken when glue is applied. The glue itself: should have bought and used E6000 to begin with.

Here's an idea for keeping your helmet ventilated and cool...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Shopping for fun stuff

It hadn't happen very often lately but here's one of those things that I should have gotten long ago, but didn't because they were too trendy at the time. Now it's become much harder to find - they don't sell these at Toys'r'us no more.

ROTJ style!

Ready for shenanigans... Stay tuned.